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The Name of My Blog "Come Then My Love"

So the name of my blog is "Come Then My Love". Some of you might get it and some of might not. So consider yourselves lucky because I'm going to explain it anyway! *WOOO!*

So one of, if not my favorite passages (as of right now at least :) from Scripture is Song of Songs, Chapter 2. I love it so much I memorized all of it and presented it as a speech in my Literature class. I've heard bits and pieces of it frequently because, at my school we pray a decade of the rosary everyday after lunch, and we pray a scriptural rosary. I'm not sure if thats even the proper term, it might just be something I made up, but its basically where before each Hail Mary, a short verse of Scripture is read. In the Fourth Glorious Mystery, the Assumption, almost the whole of Song of Songs, Chapter 2 is read and I have always loved it.

Of course nowadays you probably wouldn't call someone you love a gazelle or a young stag, but I like to imagine the time it was written and how this beautiful exchange of words took place (Here's a link, since I highly recommend reading it ). My favorite part of the exchange has always been "Come then my love, my lovely one come. Let me see your face, let me hear your voice. For your voice is sweet and your face is beautiful."

Like, seriously imagine your soulmate, the person you are destined to be with, saying that to you in all honesty and with complete sincerity, in a gentle tender voice. Anyways if I haven't convinced you enough how much I love this passage, well, that's why I named my blog after it. :) And I would like to show every beautiful, meaningful person who visits my blog to know and always be reminded that they are loved.

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